niedziela, 26 czerwca 2011

A hole in time -You are from the country MacDuff

Today wanted to show some of my drawings. of course, as the blog owner, I reserve the right change. That means throwing the drawings that I think are dull present, or add some text to serve as background pictures. I had the idea to move between drawings my story "A hole in time"
specifically part of the "You are from the country MacDuff"

You are in the country MacDuff - said to him, an elderly woman, as he sat on the bench, in the center of Sittingbourne.The exacl opposite of cheap electronics store - There, parents sell their children, and children sell their parents.

This openness was surprised it the English who are not supposed to contact and do not like to go into a chat with strangers. There have been times when he sat on the bench, and it was no more than a minute ago, approached him a third person. First, a young girl, then boy at the age of, say, the eye of fourteem to sixteen years. Showing him a lighter fuel and saying something which he did not understend, and now this old gray-haired woman.

The English are a little different than is commonly belived. Just seeing the strangers, behave in way that
alineted so to speak, as if hiding from them to the mouse hole, but when they are alone among their starting to talk to each other and become more alive, like a scoff of immigrants. Experienced this, for example, in Chichester, driving regional bus line from Brighton to Portsmouth.

Dziś chciałem pokazać kilka moich zeskanowanych rysunków. Oczywiście jako właściciel bloga -zastrzegam sobie prawo zmian. To znaczy wyrzucenia rysunków które według mnie nieciekawie się prezentują, lub też dodania jakichś tekstów tak aby rysunki służyły za tło. Właśnie wpadłem na pomysł aby wrzucić między rysunki fragmencik opowiadania "Dziura w czasie" a dokładniej "Jesteś z kraju M.d"

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